USS Jeannette (1879–1881)

Sunday, 16 May 1880

Beset and drifting in the pack ice about 150 miles N.W. of Herald Island, Arctic Ocean

Entry Index: 326
Position: 73.28, 178.82
Date by Position: 17 May 1880
Logbook Volume: 2 of 4
Logbook Metadata: Volume 2

Events & Observations

This entry contains remarks related to the following subjects: Animals Sea Ice
Latitude by observation at noon Sun N. 73° 16' 44"
Longitude by chronometer from afternoon observations Sun E. 178° 49' 15"

Water expended during the preceding 24 hours: 35 gallons
Water distilled during the preceding 24 hours: 35 gallons
Coal consumed during the preceding 24 hours: 510 lbs
Coal remaining on hand at noon: 61 tons 908 lbs 

Maximum temperature indicated by B.B. in vacuo = 92° between noon & 1pm

The distilling is done by the Baxter boiler, and all the pumping by the wind mill driving the bilge pump in 
the corner of the fire room hatch. Advantage was taken of the fresh wind and consequent quick action of 
the pump, to clean the bilges with scrub brooms, letting in water through the sea cocks. For some days 
a bad odor has risen from the bilges, although the steady flow of water aft has rendered them bright and 
clean in appearance.
Water in the ship to day

at 8am
at 4pm
at midnight 
At fire room bilge
6 inches
4 inches
4 inches

Sounded at noon in 27 1/2 fathoms. Muddy bottom. No drift being indicated by the lead line.
At 10am Commanding Officer inspected the ship, after which divine service was performed in the cabin.
While out visiting the traps, a bear was shot by Mr. Dunbar and the carcass brought in to the ship.
Weather overcast and disagreeable. Light E.S.E. winds followed by fresh southerly winds increasing in 
velocity and blowing in hard squalls toward midnight. Barometer falling rapidly after noon, with nearly 
uniform temperature.

Moon 8° 30' N. 
First quarter

Related Materials

There are no additional materials associated with this entry.

Weather Observations

1 exn 30.3 8.7 ocz
2 ene 30.32 8.7 ocz
3 ene 30.33 8.7 oczs
4 ene 30.34 9.8 ocz
5 ese 30.35 11.5 oc
6 ese 30.36 13.0 oc
7 ese 30.36 13.5 oc
8 se 30.36 15.5 oc
9 se 30.37 18.0 oc
10 se 30.38 15.0 oc
11 se 30.38 15.0 oc
12 se 30.36 16.0 oc
13 s 30.32 14.0 ocz
14 sxw 30.31 13.7 ocz
15 s 30.29 13.3 ocz
16 s 30.28 13.0 oczs
17 s 30.26 13.0 oczs
18 sxe 30.25 13.0 oczs
19 s 30.24 12.5 oczs
20 s 30.22 11.7 oczs
21 s 30.2 11.0 oczs
22 s 30.17 11.0 oczs
23 s 30.15 11.5 ocqzs
24 s 30.11 12.0 ocqzs